Empowering Lives
Strengthening Communities
Vision & Mission Statement
Food Support
Cost of living pressures are putting financial stresses on more and more people. The markets offer a variety of products at heavily discounted prices and hampers are very popular at $10.00 for about 30kg of groceries and household items.
Nam felis tortor, aliquam id blandit a, porta vitae leo. Praesent tempus augue ac tortor iaculis fermentum. Nunc tristique nunc leo, non hendrerit turpis efficitur sed. Proin facilisis scelerisque tincidunt. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nam a malesuada ipsum. Nunc odio justo, pharetra a est a, posuere consectetur lacus.
Men's Monday
Nam felis tortor, aliquam id blandit a, porta vitae leo. Praesent tempus augue ac tortor iaculis fermentum. Nunc tristique nunc leo, non hendrerit turpis efficitur sed. Proin facilisis scelerisque tincidunt. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nam a malesuada ipsum. Nunc odio justo, pharetra a est a, posuere consectetur lacus.
Doing Life Together
Nam felis tortor, aliquam id blandit a, porta vitae leo. Praesent tempus augue ac tortor iaculis fermentum. Nunc tristique nunc leo, non hendrerit turpis efficitur sed. Proin facilisis scelerisque tincidunt. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nam a malesuada ipsum. Nunc odio justo, pharetra a est a, posuere consectetur lacus.
In in massa dui. Suspendisse rhoncus interdum semper. Phasellus sollicitudin tellus nunc, vel iaculis nibh porta sit amet. Vestibulum auctor et dolor at pharetra. Proin dictum justo sit amet nibh fringilla tempus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec finibus neque purus, tincidunt suscipit libero ultricies sed. Vestibulum ac massa est.
Statistics Heading
Common Questions
We’ve attempted to anticipate some of the questions you might have.
What hours is the Wyee Community Hub open?
Men’s Mondays:
Hub Thursdays: Open at 9:30, Closing starts at 12:30
Can I pay with a credit card?
Is there a discount for Pension Cards, Seniors Cards, etc?
Does the Hub have to pay for any of the goods on sale?
What happens to the takings from market sales?
After paying our costs, net takings stay in the Hub, supporting our programs and the needy.